Top 6
Lactacyd Women Relay
June 2010, Bonifacio High Street
21K Relay. Team time: 1:49:42
My parts: 1st leg (10K): 50:14; 4th leg (3K): 12:16

With Team Runnex and Coach Rio before the race
The Lactacyd Women Run 2010 was my first relay. I ran with two friends, Dee Allas and Fides Reyes. We ranked 14th of 84 teams. Not bad! ;)
While all the other teams were composed of four runners, we were the only one of three, that’s why I had to run the first and last legs of the relay, 10K and 3k respectively.
It was a week before the 34th Milo Marathon so I promised myself I would take it easy but the thought that there were people eagerly waiting for me at the finish line changed my plan. When I heard the gun start, I ran faster than my race pace. I noticed I was sprinting I had to remind myself of the upcoming marathon and slow down.
I enjoyed seeing runners in their amusing costumes. I loved it as well that the run was exclusively opened for women which gave me a sense of pride that women who are usually viewed to be the weaker gender could conquer a sport that needs power and strength. I liked the sight of women with so much determination in their eyes to finish fast and strong.
Since, there were only few runners around, I had the chance to savor the moment of running with the “demigods” in the running universe.
The atmosphere was light, fun and unique.
Top 5

Condura Marathon
7 February 2010, Skyway
42K; 5:36
The Condura Run 2010 was my first 42K that’s why it will always be one of my most memorable races. It was the first time I went through a rigid training that became the starting point of the many changes in my life. Condura was the talk of the town among runners months before the race.
Almost all runners in almost all running places were preparing for and looking forward to it.
The Condura Run is known for its unusual and challenging route that includes the Skyway. Passing the Skyway by foot doesn’t happen everyday and Condura was the only race that offered the privilege.
I wasn’t completely decided when I registered for Condura. I asked myself a million times if I was ready to run the full. I approached the registration booth, got the form, ticked the 42K box, paid and walked away. I thought I should do it that way so I’d be forced to train.
A week before, I almost backed out especially after hearing about The Bullrunner Dream Marathon program which was then exclusively offered to first time marathoners. Aside from that and lack of training, I thought I should postpone the 42K dream. I asked a few friends for advise and not one of them supported my apprehension.
A few days before, I lost my music player so I borrowed my friend’s i-pod which was huge and heavy. I took the risk of carrying it just to have a source of distraction from hearing me pant and amuse me in that more than 5-hr run. I had the heavy i-pod and enjoyed the music. It was worth it, I thought. But for some strange reasons, it went off at Km5. I tried to fix it but it just gave up on me so I had to carry it the whole time and as soon as I stepped on the finish line mat, it played again. Creepy!
The Skyway experience was ecstatic that until now everytime I see it, I’m brought to a sense of nostalgia.
The sight of runners from the Skyway was so motivating. I met a few runners along the way and had the chance of running with each of them for a few kilometers until either I ran faster or they left me behind. That time, I knew what 42K really meant and why many runners either dream of or dread the full marathon. The experience was incomparable and indescribable.
The last five kilometers was the longest five kilometers of my life. All discomfort and pain cropped up I started asking myself why I was doing it. No one asked me to do it and no law required a Filipino citizen to go through that. I couldn’t find any answer but just the fact that I wanted to do it. I loved the challenge and the fulfillment of finishing it.
When I crossed the finish line, I kind of lost my senses I did not notice my friends who cheered me. I was directed to get my medal and despite being aware that a medal would be given to finishers, I reacted so surprised about the news. I went to the booth where the medals were and while many were arguing why they couldn’t be given their medals because they’re stolen, I just left and went home.
I did not even check my finish time. I was in a state of shock until I got home. I called my housemate on my way home and asked her to meet me at our gate and prepare my slippers. When she picked up the phone, her first question was, “Ano?! Buhay ka pa?!”
To which I said, “I’m still alive. In fact, more alive than before.”
Top 4
The North Face Thrill of the Trail
14 February 2010, Nuvali, Laguna
22K; 2:45
TNF Thrill of the Trail promised a challenging, exciting, “life threatening” race and it certainly offered no less. I’ve always looked forward to trail runs. I even joined one of R.O.X.’s trail run clinics. So when I learned about TNF run, I immediately registered even if it was set a week after the Condura Run when I should be resting to recover.

Some were telling me to just do an 11K but I thought I should take advantage of the rare experience of running a trail. That’s aside from the fact that I had no one to run with in the 11K couple’s run. I registered for 22K and I was happy I did. Trails are a lot more challenging than road runs. The required running skill to avoid injury was different. I tried to enjoy the breath taking scenery while carefully watching each of my steps. I loved every part of the trail especially those two rivers that we crossed and the one where we had to hang in the rope to cross to the other side of the mountain that I had to let go of my beloved Gatorade. Sadly, my hip injury worsened after the run. Even then, I had no regrets I joined the race and still consider it one of my best runs.